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The Film “The Lion King”


“The Lion King” is a 2019 American musical computer animated film directed by Jon Favreau and written by Jeff Nathanson. The film is shot entirely with photorealistic computer animation.

A remake of the 1994 cartoon film of the same name. The film was released on 18 July 2019, when the original cartoon turned 25 years old.

The film earned over $1.6 billion at the global box office, being the second highest-grossing animated film in 2019, the highest-grossing animated film (surpassing “Frozen”) and the 7th highest-grossing film in history.

The film has received mixed reviews: experts have praised the visual effects, the musical accompaniment and the voice acting (especially Aikner and Rogen), but criticised the film for its lack of originality and “inner soul”, as well as for the “flat” emotions of the characters.


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